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1388 | 2023-02-07 | Avengers By Jonathan Hickman Omnibus Vol. 1 HC Arthur Adams Cover [New Printing, DM Only] | Omnibus | 2021-10-12 | 2022-09-23 | AVENGERS (2012) #1-23, NEW AVENGERS (2013) #1-12, INFINITY #1-6, INFINITY: AGAINST THE TIDE INFINITE COMIC #1-2, ASTONISHING TALES: MOJOWORLD #1-6 and material from SHANG-CHI: MASTER OF KUNG FU (2009) #1 | Marvel | OCT210979 | 9781302945480 | 125.00 | Penguin | Edelweiss | Diamond | OPB | Amazon | CGN | IST | Walt's (EU) | |||||||||||
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