?> Quick New Watchlist Features – Comic Releases Test

Quick New Watchlist Features

So today I sat down and added 2 new things for the watchlist feature on the site!

  • You can now get a share link for your watchlist at the top of your watchlist page where it says “Share your list using this link” or you can click the “Copy link to clipboard” link to have it automatically copied for you.
    • Update: I’ve also updated this feature to encrypt your user ID so people can’t just randomly browse through user IDs. If you grabbed the share URL earlier today already, grab the new one!
  • I’ve added a mass edit button to the top of all pages with tables on them. So whether you’re on your watchlist page, upcoming collected editions page, archive, etc, you can toggle that. The affiliate links will disappear and the watchlist add/remove links will appear in their place!

As always, if you got questions, suggestions, etc, hit me up on the contact page!